with SarvaGuna

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A part of the funds raised will go to noble work being carried out by Kinchitkaram Dharma Samsthapanam.
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Kinchitkaram Dharma Samsthapanam has the main objective of contributing its little mite in reaching the glories of our Sanatana Dharma to the masses, especially our children and youth.
With Velukkudi Sri. U.Ve. Krishnan Swamy as the Chief Patron, under whose guidance the Trust works towards fulfilling its objective.
Amongst others, its activities broadly include:
Pracharam especially amongst the youth and children and in the smaller towns and villages about the essence of Sanatana Dharma and works forming part of it such as Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Vedantas, Divyaprabandhas, Itihasa Puranas, Life and History of Alwars and Acharyas.
Spreading awareness of morals, value systems, rich heritage, tradition and culture associated with Sanatana Dharama, and encourage the masses to adopt and adapt them into their daily lives and instill in them a sense of pride about Sanatana Dharma and pass it on to the next generation
Maintenance of Historical Sites: Renovation, maintenance of our ancient temples, nandavanams, pushkarnis, etc
Conducting Yatras to Puranic holy places
Establishing and running “Goshalas”
Workshops for children and youth to reinforce our glorious tradition and values.